exam exam exam. It is kind a trend right now. Because, we are in the middle of first semester in this year. My school is a lil bit too late to run this exam. My friends at the other school were finishing their exam. Well it can be said that my school is running the exam when other school were finishing their. I think it is a luck ! of course it is. If you have a big brain inside your head then you must be thinking the same thing what I am thinking right now. Yes ! Ask all of the questions to your friends ! HAHAHA. No no no, I won't do that ! That is a silly thing. I have my own big clever brain which help me to answer all of questions. I have to struggle. I have to get scores with my own work. It will feels better if you get results from your own work right ? So wish me luck guys :D
activity : struggling in exam, get dizzy, throwing all stuffs, lost her mind and poison in her left hand.
<3 in peace